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Friday, March 19, 2010

Aftr returning from Joey's house

We met at lot 1, near the mrt. We took the bus to Joey's hous while hiding the bubble tea from the bus driver's sight! We reached Joey's house, she go kick the button of the lift. When we open the gate, Joey's sliblings, Sean( K1 ),Sherry( Pri 1 ) and Jolin( Pri 1 ) v.excited!! We went inside and go do our project for a while. Sean,sherry and jolin keep on coming inside the room. Joey shouted "GET OUT!!!!!" so scary sia.. they all scrambled outside the door.. Joey shouted alot of time as they keep on coming in and out of the room. We go take our lunch, Joey demanded jolin to open the bottle of chrysanthemem tea and serve us.. I could not finish my lunch, Joey tell jolin and sherry to finish up the leftovers ( my egg ) We continue to do our project, Constance listin to music while playing Facebook, while Joey draw the comic strip ( physics ) Sean keep on chasing me around and hugging me, Sherry also. After Joey finish drawing, i colour her drawing. Constance will write the explanation of the misconception. After the project, Joey and I clean up the hamsters' cage. I hold on to one of the fat hamsters, Melon. it keep on crawling up and down on my hand, soo ticklish!! Joey cleaned the cage already, wanted to bring her cousin( girl )'s dog down. Constance was soo scared of dogs ,so she donwan the dog to come down. After Constance leave liao, Joey's cousin brought her dog down. At first i was scared of that female golden dog. But Joey told me she would not bite, only lick. The dog came to me and sniff and lick me!! soo disgusting..